Thursday, November 14, 2013

#WhoIam: I am Yours!


Palms 143:5 Not for anything that I have done, just because of who you are!
That is hard to grasp sometimes for me.

 #WhoIam in God, because I believe what he says I am, he gives his GRACE to me! If we believe in him anyone will receive it and it's amazing that it's free! When we believe God,  we are annotated with God's grace at that time and from that point on. I just learned that GRACE means =   G=God's, R=riches, A=at, C=Christ's, E=expense. He bought and paid for us already so that we could have GRACE. That means we have a connection to him. He forgives my past and it's as if I/we have never sinned! 

#WhoIam is a child of God's.I need to learn how to act like one and show the world that I am his. I'm in Christ and he is in me. It's not about what I can do or my activity even for him, it's about #WhoIam, and what God says I am as his child in his eye's. I read that if we believe in God then we are not of this world. [I don't really belong here] That feels good to say that because I never felt like I belonged anywhere before. I was disconnected. But now I know! I am God's child I'm not just any misfit, I am valuable to him!

 Because we can choose our thoughts, I choose to have my focus be with God, doing what pleases him and not everyone around me. It's not my responsibility to have to fit in or to make others happy, but it is my responsibility to share what God has done for me and live my life as God's child doing what I think and feel he would like me to accomplish for him each day. Some day's it much easier than others to do, so I'm always having something to strive for right?!

 I have been told if I'm doing the part that God has given me to do (what he wants) he will do what I can't do (finish it for me).  I need to make the move first toward doing it. Making a movement towards doing that means learning about him more through the Bible , reading books on subjects he leads me to etc. Then I will prepare myself and be ready for him to use me in anyway anytime since he already planed his outcome! Which by the way is always better than mine is! 

The analogy Mellisa gave this am of focusing more on the dirt than the gold, that spoke to me! When I do that focus on the dirt,  I'm actually insulting God and not paying attention to how he made me, or how he thinks of me or even his instruction he gives me. I'm not focusing the gold. I'm taking my will back. Once I give something to him to let him handle it I have no business taking it back and using my will on it.

I am never in a powerless position no matter what happens to me because God makes his power available to those that believe in him all the time. I just need to ask him for help!

I/We honor him when I/we show our dependence on him in the little things along with the big things. So when I learned about #Iamnot a failure because he plots my course, I feel more free to be me!

This video gives me much more courage to surrender and let God be in control of my actions. It's a great reminder for me!

I didn't do anything to cause having SCA ataxia, nor did God. But I will surrender and let him use it for his good. There has to be a reason why I developed ataxia. I really feel it's a positive one.
awareness is a big start. For me relying on God for even small things grounds me.

I'm thankful that he places the right people in my path at the right times. I'm so glad I can see that and grateful I can rely on him to make that happen.

  I feel that I only have two choices daily. One that I renew daily is to follow him.#1  I can choose to let this SCA ataxia have me, rule my life and not function well. Or #2 I can allow it to bring me closer to God's thoughts for me and let him work through me to achieve more than I ever thought was possible having ataxia  (I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me   Philippians 4:13).  I choose to let God use me here and ask him if he will work through me in someway daily by using attraction not promotion  (not by my will his).