Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eph 2 10 WhoIam is an Overcomer

                                     Eph  2:10

 When God is for me who can be against me.               

                          #WhoIam an Overcomer!

When doubt comes against me, saying I'm not good enough I will remember God is for me. He says I'm his masterpiece, created to be new in Christ so I can do good things. He planed long ago (taken from "A Confident Heart" pg 114).

Out of my desperation came my food plan. After I was diagnosed having SCA I was told to take intravenous steroids treatments. My thought was I could always take them as a last resort any time. I wanted to try to stop the progression on my own with God's guidance.

 I run into people constantly that have no understanding of what I'm really doing and offer what they think are good foods. I use my food as my meds so I guess you could say I'm picky about what I put into my mouth.  Ultimately it goes to the body and effects the brain. I believe if I put Garbage in, I get Garbage out. It shows up in everything that I do. Since God sees my body as his temple I have a responsibility to keep it as clean and running as best as I possibly can.

I also feel it's my responsibility to share and expose my experience with what I've learned about the friendliness foods and surrendering everything to God. What we eat and think! We tend to think our foods are good for us (not most of the time). I try to enlighten others to some of the food additives that are in most of our foods right now are not healthy for any one's body or brain. I have to think on purpose that it's not my business to get other's to believe the same way that I do. Attraction is better than promotion!

My food plan is different than the way most other people eat. I tend to have my foods without any sauces,  or 2 or more spices in one jar organic etc. So well meaning people offer me foods that are not in my plan. Since I'm created new in Christ I am not called by any foods anymore like I used to be. I wasn't really over weight at the time because I always thought I monitored what I ate. Now all that thinking about food has left along with so many other things that foods represented. I had no idea. But I'm so thankful God led me to join Food Addicts to learn what I need to to be healthier!. I

                              #WhoIam is an  OVERCOMER  I won't quite or give in!
 Helping others is why I'm here on earth. One misdiagnoses I received that made me go to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota was that I would die within 4 years. I was totally broken then I totally surrendered my whole being because I knew that I didn't have anyone else that could help me but God! That was over 7 years ago now. God has his hand on me daily still since. I'm here for a reason and I don't forget why I'm here. To recommit each morning and get my assignment for the day. Sometimes I hear him clearly or just get a great aha thought. Some other times I have to just put one foot in front or the other in the direction I think he wants me to go that day. He speaks with me daily in my quite time and all thought the day because I ask him questions. I look forward to hearing from him, it's new every morning.

Our relationship reminds me of that program on T.V. long ago "Get Smart" He was always told "Your assignment if you choose to accept it is...................." then he was shown or just led to one thing at a time. I see that I get my assignment for the day in my quiet time every morning but from God!

I've been told that God only expects me to do what I can and he will do the rest. Meaning that God wants me to help myself as much as I can do. With his help and him working in it it will get done his way! I enjoy the help! Surrendering each morning becomes just a habit. When I see what doing that does, letting him be in control awesome things come from them. With God all things are possible! Don't you love that? I do! It's so encouraging to me. 

I can do all things with God who strengthens me Philippians 4:13

Here is my No Fail Pail with messages (Bible verses) from the King to his Princess (me).

  • I was reading this morning in the Bible about Spiritual gifts and how they come from the Holy Spirit. How everyone gets a manifestation of the spirit for the common good from God. Here is a list that I found in the NIV Bible in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge (understanding of his words)
  • faith
  • healing (helping other's)
  • miraculous powers (accomplishing things that we couldn't on our own)
  • distinguishing between spirits
  • administration
What I didn't realize that all these gifts are different levels like we have blue collar workers and white collar workers. There are:
  1.  Prophets (all of us)
  2. Teachers (helping other's understand)
  3. Workers of miracles (changes in additives more physical)
  4. Healing (helping other's)
  5. Administration
  6. tongs (different languages)

If anyone has any of these gifts but does not have LOVE in their heart it says in 1 Corinthians 12: 26 you have nothing. So if one part suffers (meaning LOVE) every part suffers with it.

When Renee talked about our refection in the mirror, to me it means something deeper now. In my Bible (NIV 1Corth 13: 12-13) It says that I'll know fully, we need not bring fear (shadow of doubt) to it (what ever it is we fear) or we end up seeing more of that than God (the light). Then we put up a road block (static connection) for God's love to us! So the connection is like the am/fm on the radio we can't tune in without a static connection.

I used to see God on one level (I always knew he was there) and Satan (I watched him enter my life and create many challenges daily). I saw God as folding his arms across his chest and saying "Ok go ahead, do it yourself, I'll be here when you need me or want me to intervene just call on me when you want me to step in and you can't take it anymore.).

For a long time I saw Satan just a level above God screwing with my life. Then the more I read the Bible and really learned to trust his words the more Satan's level got much lower. Now I laugh at Satan! Who does he think he is. Not only is he a really Bully that had me blinded to this order before he actually thinks he's stronger than God, but he's really not. Boy he had me fooled for years. Now I see him as being funny actually! He is where he belongs now in my mind! Much lower than I see God. That's the way it should be!!!!!!

*Thank you God for enlightening me to finally see this
 and not giving up on me. I'm sure Satan will try to screw with me some more
 but now I totally understand and I have more tools so I can fight this warfare and 
I will Overcome him with God's guidance and by my side!*     :0)


  1. Jeannie, you truly bring tears to my eyes. I am so excited God brought you to our small group with the Melissa Taylor's Online Bible studies. Your story is an amazing one of hope in Christ. An amazing example of honoring God, listening to God, and delving into His Word and our A Confident Heart Study. I cannot wait for the world to hear your story.

    I truly am encouraged by you and look forward to more of your moving, God-breathed story. Keep up the great work! Hugs and Blessings!

    Tristine Barry (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. Jeannie--
    Your story is so inspiring because you didn't let what Satan intended for discouragement to drag you down! Praise God for your obedience to His will and His teaching in your life. Thank you for sharing your walk with all of us.
    ~~Sandi Brewer, OBS Group Leader
